

fat pad syndrome?

親愛之大醫生請教什麼是 fat pad syndrome 會發生在腳底嗎 ?有無對此病 , 較深入之描述的網站或資料thanks


陳順勝 醫師回覆-罕見疾病

不是神經內科疾病, 屬復健或骨科範圍, 請教他們. 以下資料可供參考:Fat Pad Syndrome (http://www.spinalhealth.net/XT_files/XT-inj-fatpad.html)This is a condition that we don’t see too often, it’s not specific to runners, triathletes, or training in general, but because it is often mis-diagnosed by doctors I thought it deserved a page of it’s own. It is basically a sore heel - the pain is concentrated over the centre of the heel and it feels like a deep bruise. Many doctors who don’t see a lot of athletic injuries have never heard of Fat Pad Syndrome and, when confronted with pain in the heel region of the foot, will fall back on the diagnosis of ’plantar fascitis’. I have even seen patients who said their doctor never even looked at or touched their foot, they just wrote a prescription for orthotics and said they have a problem with ’heel spurs’.The AnatomyWe were designed to function barefoot. While running shoes have added a lot of cushion and stability to our feet, we could basically run barefoot if we wanted (as evidenced by young Kenyans running in their native country or by Zola Budd who raced on the track barefoot). The natural design of the foot is incredible because not only are the bony arch and the plantar fascia created in such a way as to act as a shock absorber, but we also have about a 1 inch thick pad between our skin and the bone of the heel (the ’calcaneous’) which acts as a cushion. This cushion is called a ’fat pad’ because it’s made up primarily of fatty tissue. The fat pad is kind of divided into sections by ligamentous ’baffles’ which help keep the fat pad from spreading out and thereby aid in keeping the cushion where it belongs - under the heel. Occasionally, the heel can get injured and these baffles can become stretched and then the fat pad spreads out and we lose some of that cushion - which can make weight bearing very uncomfortable. Fortunately, it is treatable.Signs and SymptomsPain in the heel, usually on the middle of the heel. This is in direct contrast to plantar fascia pain or heel spur pain which is present at the front of the heel, not the middle.Pain is usually a deep, dull ache that feels like a bruise.Pressing with your thumb into the centre of the heel should re-create the pain.Condition can often be attributed to a blow to the heel - landing hard while barefoot on a hard surface, jumping in dress shoes with a hard heel, stepping on a stone while running.Pain is aggravated by walking barefoot on hard surfaces like ceramic tile, concrete, hardwood floors, etc.What To Do About ItOnce you can rule out plantar fascitis as a cause of the problem, you can confirm a diagnosis of ’Fat Pad Syndrome’ by taping the heel to hold the fat pad underneath the heel. This procedure is illustrated in the photos below:After taping your heel - or having someone do it for you - walk around a bit barefoot on a hard surface and see how it feels. If the pain is decreased or gone, then you have confirmed your suspicions - it’s probably fat pad syndrome.So, what do you do now? Well, fat pad syndrome will heal with time, you just need to try to keep the pain to a minimum while it heals, thereby decreasing the inflammatory process and promoting healing. You could continue to tape the heel with trainer’s tape, however that is time consuming and can irritate the skin after a few applications. Alternatively, you should check your local running specialty store and ask if they carry a ’heel cup’ which is a little plastic cup that surrounds the heel and presses the fat pad under the calcaneous. It should fit tight around the heel so that when you place you foot in your shoe it compresses the sides of the heel. If a heel cup doesn’t work then sometimes a heel pad can be added to the shoe for extra cushioning. These are basically little foam or gel pads that soften the blow to the heel but they do not cup the fat pad into place.You also want to make sure that you ice your heel after exercise, that you wear good cushioned shoes whenever possible, and restrict your exposure to hard surfaces while barefoot. Orthotics may also help, provided that they are designed with a decent heel cup. Anti-inflammatory medication can be useful as well, but the other hints I mentioned are much more effective.-------------------------------------------------------



脂肪墊綜合症(Fat Pad Syndrome)是一種相對少見的足部疾病,主要影響腳底的脂肪墊,特別是在跟部(腳跟)的位置。

1. 疼痛:通常集中在腳跟的中部,與足底筋膜炎或跟骨刺的疼痛有所不同,後者的疼痛通常位於腳跟的前端。

2. 深層鈍痛:患者常感到像是瘀傷的疼痛,按壓腳跟中部時會加劇疼痛感。

3. 活動受限:走路或站立在硬地面上時,疼痛會加劇,特別是在赤腳行走時。


1. 休息與減少活動:避免長時間站立或走路,特別是在硬地面上。

2. 冰敷:在疼痛部位進行冰敷可以減輕炎症和疼痛。

3. 使用適當的鞋墊:選擇具有良好緩衝效果的鞋墊,特別是那些能夠支撐脂肪墊的鞋墊。

4. 物理治療:透過物理治療來改善腳部的靈活性和力量,並學習正確的運動方式。

5. 藥物治療:非類固醇抗炎藥(NSAIDs)可以幫助減輕疼痛和炎症。

6. 震波治療或高能量雷射:這些治療方法在某些情況下可能有助於促進癒合,但應在醫生的指導下進行。

- 穿著適合的鞋子,避免平底鞋或硬底鞋。

- 減少在硬地面上赤腳行走的時間。

- 定期進行足部拉伸和強化運動,以保持足部的靈活性和力量。

- [Spinal Health](http://www.spinalhealth.net/XT_files/XT-inj-fatpad.html)




你好我今年44歲女性3月中足底疼痛, 做了一般傳統復健3週, 之後去了照了超音波,醫生告訴我是脂肪店發炎,到現在已經一個多月了,請問醫師脂肪墊發炎是會好的嗎? 還是發炎萎縮了就不會好? 請問脂肪墊發炎可以打震波或是高能量雷射嗎?

王守吉 醫師回覆-骨科
您好,中年足底疼痛大多是足底筋膜炎造成,大多是久站、行走過多、穿鞋不當、體重過重有關,穿鞋鞋底要軟,要有足弓墊支撐,勿穿平底鞋、拖鞋、雨鞋底,可多泡熱水、拉伸足底筋膜運動,若無改善可用震波治療,等再生療法。彰化醫院 關心您的健康 王守...



專員幫我量測說 我坐著是有高足弓 但是只要站著的時候 足弓就會塌下來 變有點 扁平足 它有幫我做鞋墊 但是像我這樣的狀況 請問鞋子該怎麼挑選 然後它說我足弓有足底筋膜炎 足跟有脂肪墊損失(塌陷)

王昭閔 醫師回覆-復健科




陳顯昌 醫師回覆-復健科




洪弘昌 醫師回覆-內科

