洪煒斌 醫師回覆-神經內科
失智症各個階段可參考Global deterioration scale for assessment of primary degenerative dementia (GDS) [1],如下表。
GDS Clinical characteristics Yrs[2]1 No cognitive decline No subjective complaints of memory deficit. No memory deficit evident on clinical interview.2 Very mild cognitive decline. Subjective complaints of memory deficit, most frequently in following areas: (a) forgetting where one has placed familiar objects; (b) forgetting names one formerly knew well. No objective evidence of memory deficit on clinical interview. No objective deficits in employment or social situations. Appropriate concern with respect to symptomatology. 153 Mild cognitive decline. Earliest clear-cut deficits. Manifestations in more than one of the following areas: (a) patient may have gotten lost when traveling to an unfamiliar location; (b) coworkers become aware of patient's relatively poor performance; (c) word and name finding deficit becomes evident to intimates; (d) patient may read a passage or a book and retain relatively little material; (e) patient may demonstrate decreased facility in remembering names upon introduction to new people; (f) patient may have lost or misplaced an object of value; (g) concentration deficit may be evident on clinical testing. Objective evidence of memory deficit obtained only with an intensive interview. Decreased performance in demanding employment and social settings. Denial begins to become manifest in patient. Mild to moderate anxiety accompanies symptoms. 74 Moderate cognitive decline. Mild dementia. Clear-cut deficit on careful clinical interview. Deficit manifest in following areas: (a) decreased knowledge of current and recent events; (b) may exhibit some deficit in memory of ones personal history; (c) concentration deficit elicited on serial subtractions; (d) decreased ability to travel, handle finances, etc. Frequently no deficit in following areas: (a) orientation to time and place; (b) recognition of familiar persons and faces; (c) ability to travel to familiar locations. Inability to perform complex tasks. Denial is dominant defense mechanism. Flattening of affect and withdrawal from challenging situations frequently occur. 25 Moderately severe cognitive decline. Moderate dementia. Patient can no longer survive without some assistance. Patient is unable during interview to recall a major relevant aspect of their current lives, e.g., an address or telephone number of many years, the names of close family members (such as grandchildren), the name of the high school or college from which they graduated. Frequently some disorientation to time (date, day of week, season, etc.) or to place. An educated person may have difficulty counting back from 40 by 4s or from 20 by 2s. Persons at this stage retain knowledge of many major facts regarding themselves and others. They invariably know their own names and generally know their spouses' and children's names. They require no assistance with toileting and eating, but may have some difficulty choosing the proper clothing to wear. 1.56 Severe cognitive decline. Moderately severe dementia. May occasionally forget the name of the spouse upon whom they are entirely dependent for survival. Will be largely unaware of all recent events and experiences in their lives. Retain some knowledge of their past lives but this is very sketchy. Generally unaware of their surroundings, the year, the season, etc. May have difficulty counting from 10, both backward and, sometimes, forward. Will require some assistance with activities of daily living, e.g., may become incontinent, will require travel assistance but occasionally will be able to travel to familiar locations. Diurnal rhythm frequently disturbed. Almost always recall their own name. Frequently continue to be able to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar persons in their environment. Personality and emotional changes occur. These are quite variable and include: (a) delusional behavior, e.g., patients may accuse their spouse of being an impostor, may talk to imaginary figures in the environment, or to their own reflection in the mirror; (b) obsessive symptoms, e.g., person may continually repeat simple cleaning activities; (c) anxiety symptoms, agitation, and even previously nonexistent violent behavior may occur; (d) cognitive abulla, i.e., loss of willpower because an individual cannot carry a thought long enough to determine a purposeful course of action. 2.57 Very severe cognitive decline. Severe dementia. All verbal abilities are lost over the course of this stage. Frequently there is no speech at all -only unintelligible utterances and rare emergence of seemingly forgotten words and phrases. Incontinent of urine, requires assistance toileting and feeding. Basic psychomotor skills, e.g., ability to walk, are lost with the progression of this stage. The brain appears to no longer be able to tell the body what to do. Generalized rigidity and developmental neurologic reflexes are frequently present. 7Ref:[1] Reisberg B, Ferris SH, de Leon MJ, Crook T. The Global Deterioration Scale for assessment of primary degenerative dementia. Am J Psychiatry. 1982 Sep;139(9):1136-9. doi: 10.1176/ajp.139.9.1136. PMID: 7114305.[2] Yrs*: 7 clinical stages of Alzheimer’s Brochure. Fisher center for Alzheimer’s research foundation.
1. 建立日常生活規律:幫助媽媽建立固定的作息時間表,例如固定的用餐時間、活動時間和休息時間,這樣可以減少她的焦慮感,並有助於記憶的維持。
2. 增強社交互動:鼓勵媽媽參加社區活動或與朋友聚會,這不僅能增進她的社交能力,也能刺激她的認知功能。
3. 記憶輔助工具:使用日曆、備忘錄或電子設備來幫助媽媽記錄重要的事情,例如家庭聚會、醫療約診等。
4. 保持身體活動:適度的運動對於失智症患者的身心健康非常重要。
5. 營養均衡:確保媽媽的飲食均衡,攝取足夠的維生素和礦物質,特別是Omega-3脂肪酸,這對於腦部健康有益。
醫生謝謝 再請教我這樣一直不斷過度呼吸使血液成鹼性一個月以上 對腦部的創傷有多嚴重 又 在晚上我這樣一直因呼吸停止 缺氧至極後才驚醒 書上說將造成記憶力降低 智商下降 這又是怎產生的 是否因腦中細胞不斷減少而致 我該怎去治療 在每一次呼吸暫...
林水龍 醫師回覆-外科
廖曜磐 醫師回覆-家醫科
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葉伯壽 醫師回覆-神經內科
Sleep apnea 嚴重時會造成腦缺氧,長久下去會對腦部產生不利影響,如注意力、反應等。早點治療才是重點,其他的不要過慮。 非肥胖嚴重中止呼吸症的影響:智力、人格與精神狀態-點我查看詳細內容
您好 家裡有一個輕度失智的奶奶 我真的很愛她 可是不知為什麼在早上的時候我都會相當沒耐性 然後每次吵完都會非常非常後悔 都會很想哭 有一次甚至對自己很憤怒 然後用頭去撞衣櫃 最近也是非常煩躁 覺得父母都很辛苦 可是自己打工的事一直沒著落 之...
梁孫源 醫師回覆-精神科
您好家母今年46歲常忘都忘西而且有愈來愈遭的現象不知生活當中 有什麼方法可以預防失智症還有 如果有懷疑 應該怎麼檢查呢謝謝您
林子敬 醫師回覆-神經內科